Chemo Port Is In. Now What Do I Wear?! How To Stay Fashionable During Chemo.

Chemo Port Is In. Now What Do I Wear?! How To Stay Fashionable During Chemo.

Chemo Port Is In. Now What Do I Wear?! How To Stay Fashionable During Chemo.

by Kelsey Bucci

Honestly, the last thing you think about after getting diagnosed with breast cancer is, “what am I going to wear to chemo?”

My name is Kelsey, and at 30 years old I was diagnosed with Stage IIB IDC and DCIS. A few days after getting diagnosed, I was in surgery to get my port placed. Before this procedure I had no idea what a port was, what it did, or why exactly I was being told that it would be a part of me for at least the next 12 months.

Kelsey Bucci smiling and sitting in chair at chemo appointment

Once your port is placed it can be a very weird feeling. Mine was very prominent, not something I could hide in the south Georgia heat! My kids happened to be fascinated with this little robotic piece in my chest. They affectionately named it “Lexi the Port”. On any given day my husband would yell out, “sexy Lexi”. Humor has always been a part of my diagnosis, it has gotten me through some dark days with this disease.

Kelsey Bucci sitting with chemo port

In preparation for my first chemotherapy infusion, my nurse navigator gave me a few tips:

  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Make sure your port can be accessed
  • Comfy footwear and socks
  • Bring a blanket (our BIG HUG blanket is perfect!!)
  • Big Hug Lap Blanket
  • Bring things to entertain yourself
  • Snacks
  • Drinks to stay hydrated
  • LOVE HEALS interactive cancer journal
  • Bring a journal to write in

As someone who has a background in fashion merchandising and buying, not to mention a blog and Instagram where my style definitely stands out, I knew I wanted to keep being me throughout treatment. Getting up and getting dressed helped me mentally. Even through losing my hair, getting up and drawing on my eyebrows everyday helped me to see ME when I walked passed a mirror. I tackled infusion days the same way!

Kelsey Bucci sitting wearing fashionable blouse at chemo appointment

I made sure to wear button front blouses so that my port could be accessed easily. In the warmer months I would wear a V-neck t-shirt, or a top with a scoop/deep neck so I could pull it to the side. Care + Wear also makes a cute and comfy port accessible hoodie and shirt! Depending on your treatments, you could be there for hours, so comfort is key. You will also want to wear simple outfits that you can go to the bathroom in quite easily. You certainly do not want to be fussing with too many accessories while you are hooked up. Take the time to rest and relax at your infusions. Get in a nap or two before your steroid keep you up all night!

I would also keep lotion in my chemo because my skin would get so dry from the treatments. Visit my store Paris Laundry to find clean and safe products that you can use during treatment!


Guest Blog Post by the lovely Kelsey Bucci.

Keep up with Kelsey on Instagram, @KelseyBucci.


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Thank you for the post, I’ve already have my port and starting quimios next week, I’m scared to hell , but with a lot of faith

Bety Morfin

Thank you. My port gets put in tomorrow. Nervous but not scared. I love what you posted. I too have a sense of humor and it helps alot I think.

Nancy Wasen

I am getting my port installed tomorrow. I am beyond terrified. It just seems like it makes things easier for the chemo nurses and not the patient. That’s what my nurse navigator told my at any rate.

Tina Mayfield

I have stage IV Lung Cacer. I will begin chemo treatments in a few days. I am trying my best to be … Don’t know what to say, I am scared.

Elaine Ray

Thank you for posting this it helped lift my spirits. I was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal sarcoma . I’m am still in the testing faze . Next Monday I will have my port put in, then chemotherapy after that surgery to remove the tumors. I’m trying to stay positive but it hard.

VIcki ALexander

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