Love on the Corner of Belmont and Greenview

Love on the Corner of Belmont and Greenview

Last week right before Christmas Eve, I was running the the grocery store to pick up some last minute items. People were rude, lines were long, and don’t even get me started about the parking lot. It seemed like all of Chicago had forgotten about the meaning of Christmas (including myself, probably). As I was driving, I saw a man in a wheelchair trying to get across the street. Traffic was busy, and he wasn’t at a crosswalk, and my first thought was that he was never going to make it without getting hit. “Not without your help,” I heard in my heart.

Have you ever heard something like that? Not really a voice, but not really NOT a voice?

I call that a God whisper, and over the years I have learned that when God whispers, it is always good to respond, so I made a right turn.

My plan was to pull over and help the man, but the car in front of me was parking right where I wanted to go and we almost collided. “Didn’t they know I wanted to help that guy? GEEZ!” 

Right as my blood began to get hot, I saw a young guy (maybe early 20s) jump out of the car and walk toward the man in the wheelchair. I motioned for the girl in the drivers seat to roll down her window and asked “Did you guys just pull over to help that man?” She smiled and nodded! And right there on the corner of Belmont and Greenview I saw God’s love playing out in real time. 

I just smiled and screamed “SAME!”, and gave her an air high five and drove off. I wish I would have taken their photo, or gotten their names and given them a hug, or done anything that could reinforce such a kind act. But I didn’t. If I could, I would send them my Big Hug Lap Blanket right now and personalize all the tags with inspirational messages.

Instead, I just spend off and said a thankful and tear-filled prayer to that little whisper. So, THANK YOU, to the cutest young couple that ever lived in Chicago, you are doing life the right way!  #itsbecauselove




Big Hug Lap Blanket with tagsLove Heals Journal

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