"That Sounds Expensive!" A LOVE HEALS Journal Walkthrough

"That Sounds Expensive!" A LOVE HEALS Journal Walkthrough

Dear Friends,

Last week, I received an email from a woman who was bothered by the price of my LOVE HEALS Journal. (I also imagine she was frustrated with her own diagnosis, and needed a place to vent. So, I completely understand!) She expressed how she believes the journal is too expensive, that cancer fighters cannot afford it, and asked about why I priced it “so high.” I understand that cancer is expensive, but the LOVE HEALS journal was created to be given as a gift. It provides friends and family with a way to say, “I’m in the fight WITH you!” Because of her message, I wanted to take a few minutes to walk you through exactly what’s inside the $49 gift. Yes, that sounds like a lot! But you get so much more than just a journal. I, and many others, know that it is completely worth it.


Love Heals Journal with accessories

See my walkthrough video:




P.S. Are you a supporter of a loved one with cancer? Join my private support community HERE.



Big Hug Lap Blanket with tagsLove Heals Journal


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1 comment

Hi Arona,
I am actually currently going thru my own personal breast cancer journey and I have to tell u this love journal is BEAUTIFUL!!:) don’t mean to sound “selfish” but I would love to receive this from one of my loved ones!!:) blessings to u for creating such a n amazing and beautiful gift!!:) keep up the amazing work..xo


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